Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Sketches

I missed Sunday Sketches last week because I took a break from blogging due to the death of a little great-grandson, Gabriel. We were saddened that Gabriel did not survive his birthing and the whole family mourned with his mom and dad. We are sure that he is now healed and happy and living with Jesus where he will be surrounded with all of the love he can take in, and for that assurance we are thankful. So you will understand that much of my sketching for the last few days has centered around Gabriel's homegoing. I wanted to memorialize this little great-grandson in my scripture journal and begin adding some scriptures on death and eternal life. This is not a morbid thing, but a hopeful experience. So here is what I've put together so far...

I also did this zentangle for The Diva's Weekly Challenge...

and did an urban sketch of part of the Old City of Jerusalem for the Sketchbook Challenge.

I'm hoping that my sketches and my scripture journal will be things my family will treasure when I'm gone and that they will see the joy that art has brought to me and the hope I found in the scriptures. Of course, I'm not planning on going anywhere anytime soon, but our days are in the Lord's hands and it's always good to live as though He might call us home at any time.

That's my sermon-in-a-nutshell for today! :) To see more artwork go to Sunday Sketches at the Blue Chair Diary blog!

Have a great Father's Day and Shalom!


  1. You brought a sign to my lips as I read your sad news. Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of baby Gabriel.

    Your art journal speaks volumes of your love for him and family.

  2. I love these! I would love to sit with them for hours to comtemplate..... making them mustve been cool

  3. Hi Lisa, so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm just stopping by to visit your blog. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  4. I love your style, Lisa!
    You've done so much with your art this year! Yahoo!

  5. I am so sorry to hear of your tragic loss. He is safe in God's arms but I feel your pain. my thoughts are with you.

  6. great sermon in a nutshell, Lisa! and i just love your Jerusalem sketch! i am hoping to go there next year.

  7. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your family will find great comfort in your artwork, as will you.

  8. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the uplifting comment you left on my blog. And you're right in that it's all about finding balance and God's calling in our lives.

    So sorry about your great-grandson. How hard it is to lose an anticipated baby and even harder to watch those we love, our children and grandchildren, suffer from the loss. Your artwork and words are very encouraging to me as I'm sure they are to your family.

    Love, joy, and peace to you.

  9. Sorry to read your post about your great-grandson. I don't have grandchildren yet but through my connection to my children I can begin to feel your sadness. Great drawings to remember him by.

  10. This is a very touching, as well as visually stunning post. I can't imagine going through the loss of one of my girls, much less of a grandchild. May our Lord continue to give you strength, as well as a refuge in his gift of art.


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