Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hello sunshine!

Yay! After several drizzly days the sun has appeared!

Before even eating breakfast this morning, I decided that my morning glory seeds had to be planted outside. I had sprouted them in water, and I hope I didn't drown them!

My little garden patch is looking rather unkept at the moment, but I'm going to work on it a little at a time. The two fence posts you see leaning against the cream separator will be used to hold up a short piece of  fence which will support the tomatoes and peas. That will be on the north side of the garden, to the left of the photo. By the milk can.

The rest of my seedlings are begging to be planted as well. I have to work today, but tomorrow I may get to this. I'd like to get these in before I have company for several days, beginning on Friday. My son, Bob, and daughter, Missy, are coming to help with cleaning up the old cars and stuff that Bob stockpiled over the years. Hopefully, we'll make good progress, though I'm working many of the days. I'll try to help in the evenings.
These crowded little plants are foxglove. I suppose I need to thin them a lot. Maybe snip some of them off?
More seeds waiting to be placed in fertile soil...
The trees have just started leafing out.
I planted the morning glory seeds next to the wagon wheels so they will have something to climb. I also added some sunflower seeds close to the upright posts.
I added more sunflowers here by the base of the cream separator. The old garden fork is just a decoration. It has lived a full life and is now retired. :)
Remember that place in Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Darcy's wealthy old aunt described Lizzy's garden as a "pretty little wilderness"? That's my yard! This grass was sparkling with morning dew, but you probably can't see it. Cheap camera.
I'm hoping we'll get my lawnmower running this weekend and I'll mow the yard...also a little at a time.

 Morning sunshine!

A little breakfast.

I have to be to work by noon, but I have a couple of hours to meditate on this beautiful day! Hope you all have a great day, too.

Shalom, friends.


  1. good luck with your planting!! i finally got all my herbs and flowers in the ground last night. well, until i go buy a few more …. i'm terrible about that! oh, well, it will give me good painting inspiration all summer!!

    1. Thanks! I need all the luck I can get with plants, lol!

  2. Beautiful sunlight - beautiful plants! A warm loving heart is looking after all these plants!

    Have a nice breakfast again!

  3. I love your garden plans, Lisa!
    A pretty little wilderness. Perfect!

  4. Lisa, all your activity makes me feel really old and tired. You have a lot of wonderful projects going on. Bravo! Do you have deer? I'm wondering if they would get into your garden. I notice this morning that all the flowers my yucca plant had are no longer there. I am not planting a garden this year. Maybe next. Thanks for your comments and best wishes for my son.

  5. Your photos are lovely, as always. :) And it's so funny to see your outdoors with the trees just filling out, when we're past bulbs, and our temperatures are now rising to the late 80s and on the edge of 90 degrees. I'm not ready for that! Anyway, bet your morning glories will grow happily for you. You're being kind to them, so why wouldn't they?!! Take care, sweet one.

  6. I'm already looking forward to seeing pictures of the sunflowers and morning glories in bloom!


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