Sunday, May 27, 2018

Happy Sunday!

I thoroughly enjoyed my second Sunday at my new church! You guys must be thinking, "What's the big deal?" but I've been missing this kind of fellowship for years. Especially the "small country church" atmosphere. The Lord has been good to me by leading me to this little church. Today a couple sat in front of me, who I know a little. A couple of years ago I told you about a gal who had an art gallery across the street from my little apartment at the time. We had visited about our mutual interest in art. I also knew that she and her husband were Christians. Today she told me they usually only attend this church occasionally because her in-laws go there. But the Lord had been impressing on them that they needed to become part of a local body of believers instead of commuting to one in another town. We had both gotten this same message from the Lord! She also said the Lord had laid it on her heart to minister to local widows. I told her I would love to be part of that! She is an introvert, like me, and said she always tends to overthink things, like a widows ministry, and make them too big and complicated and then she just doesn't have the nerve to do them. Me too! We found we are quite the kindred spirits in many ways, and this week we'll be getting together to brainstorm ideas for this ministry. I'm so excited! I see many new friendships developing. I had told the Lord I would need a push and some direction to get me involved in this church, and He answered my prayers so perfectly and quickly. Hallelujah! I'm sure you'll be hearing more soon. ;)

Well, I had big plans to include some photos that my computer had refused to upload earlier, but it looks like it's still being balky. So, no photos for now!

We've had a crowded weekend at the RV park, but now it's cleared out a bit. It's been hot and humid this week. Thank goodness the AC is working well.

I guess I'll catch up on some reading. Currently, I'm reading Mere Christianity and I got a book from the library on Wales. I'm not sure how I'll like it, but I'll give it a perusal. I've also been trying to organize my art and Bible notes and get all my little note scraps transcribed into notebooks. These are just little composition notebooks in which I add notes at random. Nothing complex or sophisticated, but I know they're in there when I feel like reading through them. I spent a great deal of time a while back creating an "Idea Notebook". It has a special section for each "area of interest" in my life. It's so organized, and so BIG that I never touch it. I much prefer slim little composition notebooks full of notes in no particular order. It's fun to read them later and find little gems I had forgotten about. :) And they're easy to handle instead of hauling out a giant 3-ring binder. Note to self: Quit getting sucked into trying to do things the way someone else does them. Do what works for your own quirky self!

I think I'm going to go slurp down my purple smoothie (banana, blueberry, raspberry, Super Blend (veggies) and almond milk) and do some reading.

Have a great Memorial Day, everyone!


  1. How great that you've not only found a church that you feel comfortable in but also new friends.

    Your purple smoothie sounds very healthy!!

  2. What a blessed meeting in your small church!! The LORD makes miracles!! HE loves you, and you listen to HIS advises.

    Good idea to do things, which are ONE with the person, who does it! Sometimes this way of doing needs some courage :)

    Enjoy your smoothie!

  3. I'm so glad your new church home is such a happy experience! That's excellent, and clearly God has His hand it is beforehand, which is such a comfort. May He bless all your new relationships there!

    I hope your photos option starts working again soon. I know how frustrating that is!


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