Wednesday, February 23, 2022


 Wow, it's been a while...again. I've spent the last two weeks having various ailments. The 'rona? Who knows. All the symptoms of corona could be a million other things as well. I'm sure I've had it before. I thought my sore throat might be strep, but no swollen tonsils or white spots. Anyway, that eventually went away. Simultaneously, my old pal acid reflux showed up. It's been over two years since I had problems with this before, so I can't complain. Got myself on a bland diet and it's improving by tiny increments. I've been too tired and annoyed to blog, thank goodness for you all! Enough about that!

We had a foot or two of snow the last couple of days. We don't bother counting inches this time of year. Adam got us plowed out last night, so I made it to get my mail in town today.

Being sick, I didn't do much besides watch videos and read. What's new? I finished the Zion Chronicles and also read a four book series by Andrew Klavan called The Homelanders. It's a YA series of books about an 18 year old young man who infiltrates a terrorist organization. He's a Christian, a patriotic guy and is really good at karate. It all sounds rather cheesy, but I could not put these books down! Mr. Klavan writes crime novels and apparently is good at it. He grabs you and drags you at top speed through the story with nary a chance to catch your breath, lol. (He's also a favorite conservative guy on YouTube.) I read the first of these YA novels to see if they might be something my grandkids could read. Not until they're much older! The books are filled with action and can get kind of graphic, but this young hero (Charlie West) won this mama's heart. I had to see how it all turned out. I rarely give fives on book reviews, but these were all fives in my book. (Pardon the pun.) This is quite a departure from the genres I usually read. I want to read Klavan's autobiography at some point. He describes himself as a secular Jew who found Christ at the age of fifty. Sounds interesting to me!

Mixing that up with some of my usual Christian Regency romances and some theological type stuff. One book I'm reading is I Was a Stranger: A Theology of Christian Hospitality. (Or something like that.) It's okay, but I think people sometimes over complicate and over analyze things which could be explained much more simply. But then, they couldn't sell a book, I guess. (Ewww, what a cynic!)

And now for the parade of ATCs. My life is so predictable...
I believe this was just an open theme swap.

And these were probably from the Stamp Mix-Up swap which I mention below and in a previous post. I'm mixed-up alright. 

These are for the ongoing series known as "Cats and a little something extra". These are made with poker cards as the base and we're working our way down from Aces to twos.

This guy was a gift for the swap host.
These are for the Mid-February PAT (Pick-a-Theme). The players in my group asked for these particular themes.

The day before we got a foot or two of snow the kids were having fun on the slopes.

Did I show these already? Another of the "Cats and something extra" series.

March Weird Holidays...

The Emerald Isle swap...

I think these were for the  Map It swap. Just need to include a map. (Actually the ones in the middle were from the Stamp Mix-Up swap. They just happen to have a map in the background. I showed them previously. Hard to recall all this stuff.) 

And I think that'll do it for ATCs.

Well, I'm going to nip over to Micah's in a bit to watch kids until Adam gets home. Micah's taking Adele to dance class. That's a new activity on their schedule and Adele's loving it! Can't wait for the first recital!

Until next time, blessings and shalom to all of you. Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Oh this snow!!!!!! Once more. OH THIS SNOWW!!!!!!

    The snow-man is very friendly and lifely! Artwork of snow toghether with and for children. Great!!!

    Im very sorry, tha you were sick. My family was also sick (Corona), but I was not touched by the illness, thanks the Lord, who knows, that I cannot leave my sheep - - - - - -

    "Jew who found Christ at the age of fifty. Sounds interesting to me!" Yes: VERY interesting!

    Fine you have good friends in family, blogs and books!

    Stay healthy and happy - you always are happy in Christ - I love this!

  2. I'm happy you have recovered. We had vivid over Christmas holidays. I'm 71, DH is 84. DH has a multitude of health problems and he spent a few days in the hospital. I was down and out for 1 week. All praise to our dear Lord for our recovery! Most thankful for your blog, I really enjoy everything you have to say! Your life is much like mine, we are truly blessed!

  3. Hi Lisa, I'm sorry you have been not feeling well. Hopefully soon you'll be much improved.
    I will order that series of Andrew H.'s books for my DH who is always in need of books to read. Thanks for mentioning them.

  4. It sounds like you made good use of your illness and didn't let it get you down in spirit.

    Living in the north as you do, it really works best to have someone like your son-in-law to do all that shoveling, home maintenance, construction, etc etc. It always makes me happy to hear any tale coming from your little homestead.

  5. Those snow mountains are HUGE!! We had big piles like that when we lived in Iowa, at a boarding school. So many parking lots to plow clear, and such mountains for the kids to play on for months. They finally melted away altogether in May :)
    I so miss when my girls had ballet/dance classes. I loved the soothing music, and enjoyed sitting and watching more than they liked dancing. I think I still have their little pink slippers.


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)