Saturday, May 4, 2019

More stuff...

I'm hoping Blogger is feeling cooperative today!
I saw this activity out my bedroom window and captured it with my camera. Is the cat trying to get a bird?
Heck no! She wants the bird feed!
I have a question for those of you who feed birds. Do you feed them during warm weather or just in the winter? I know bears are sometimes attracted to feeders during warm weather. Is there a rule to follow that I don't know about?

Here are a few APCs I finished. We're still working our way through the deck.

It's been a good day with a bit of variety. My washing machine is not working, so I took a couple of baskets of laundry to the laundromat, which gave me an excuse to go for a walk while my clothes were washing. I got in 2 miles on my old hiking trail, which runs right by the laundromat. Josh and Nathan went for a bike ride on the trail at the same time. I then sat and perused magazines while my clothes dried. I kind of enjoy doing laundry, and wanted to stay caught up until someone can look at my washer. I'll probably ask Micah and Adam since it used to be their washer. They may have some idea why it's being cantankerous. Micah's gone to a MOPS overnight thing for her moms group, and Adam is up to his elbows in kids, so I'll ask them tomorrow.

After laundry I drove into our larger neighboring town of Park Rapids and picked up a library book I had requested and then did some grocery shopping. It looks like the "summer people" are beginning to show up. The store was crowded and traffic was pretty thick for our little town. No surprise, I guess. This is the first warmish, sunny day we've had in ages!

I ordered two books for my Kindle. Very cheap, and I'm hoping very interesting. :)

Have you guys seen that there's a new movie called "Tolkien" coming out? It hasn't reached our little corner of the world, but I hope to see it when it does!

I also ordered this "real" book (not on Kindle) in hopes of getting some creative ideas.
I ran into a friend at Walmart and we had a good visit while blocking the aisle. Now that my neck's improving somewhat, maybe I'll get around to visiting her at home. We became friends almost 30 years ago when we were both homeschooling, but we kind of lost touch. Her husband passed away about a year ago and we ran into each other again at church when we went to some grief support meetings. Anyway, it will be fun to spend some time together. I just have to put forth the effort to go over to her house. I always feel like I'm going to be interrupting her even though she says to drop in any time. Come on, Lisa, just DO IT. ;)

Well, I think I've hit most of the high points. May you all have some glorious summery weather! I'll be talking at you later.


  1. The cat is really great!!!!!

    Beautiful bird-cards you made!

    I read the Hobbit two times or even three times.

  2. I think that the cat is really mixed up. I don't think cats eat birdseed. My dog used to but it went straight through him. Sorry. TMI
    I feed the birds all year around but we live right in the middle of town so no bears. IF we lived in the country that might be a problem.
    I had not heard of a movie about Tolkien. I'm sure we'll want to see it.
    I hope your washer doesn't have a major problem. Could be expensive. Ours ( the one we all of us in this house use) makes a terrible racket when it spins but son2 says we'll "run it into the ground" before we replace it. That washer isn't even that old!
    My goodness. My comment is turning into a very long epistle. Take care

    1. I think it would probably make more sense for me to look for a used one, rather than fixing it, if that's necessary. I'm all for running it into the ground, lol.

    2. Maybe it's the mealworms the cat's after?

  3. An invitation to drop in anytime is priceless. You can always just DO IT once and see how it goes. If for some reason it feels strained, you could always go back to being friends from long ago :-)

    The blue jays have started coming to my feeder since I have mealworms etc in there. They are a bit large for it ... I hope cats don't get started!!!

  4. sounds like a good friend you have ... similar path as you, first homeschooling and later widowed... maybe if you feel you can't just drop in you can call her first? I have a friend I need to text and see if I can visit again too! Oh that hobbit book looks great!!! My Husband is a huge Tolkien fan, me too! :) God bless you dear one!!! ps: hope the washing machine sorts itself out soon!


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)