Tuesday, November 26, 2013

To do lists...

Lots of business to attend to today such as getting car titles, insurance and other sundries changed into my name. I really should be getting myself organized instead of reading blogs, but I came across a Facebook post about Sandra Bennett at Thistle Cove Farm and found she has a blog about widowhood, so, of course, I had to go have a read. I'm hoping our situation isn't quite as complex as the picture she paints, but I'll find out as I go. I thank God for children to help me along the way!

My younger step-son, Trevor, presented me with a Keurig coffee maker when he was here for the funeral. I've never been a coffee drinker, but I am enjoying becoming one on a limited basis! The yummy creamers help a lot...along with added sugar. Off to have a cup and plan my day!

Shalom and hugs to all!

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