Monday, April 18, 2016

Talking to Miss Audrey...

So, I babysat Miss Audrey, Miss Hazel and Miss Adele while their mom (my little girl) visited the dentist. We had fun painting and watching a movie. I brought along a copy of The Berenstain Bears' Bible Storybook (not sure if that's the exact title) and Audrey and Hazel snuggled up to listen to the story of creation. I got as far as the first day, when God created light, and Audrey sat up and declared, "But God doesn't have power! Just Jesus!" Yes, folks, Lisa's in theological hot water again. And so, I proceeded to explain the Godhead to a four year old. (I'm under no illusions that I fully understand this myself. None of us will this side of heaven.) Apparently, they don't even attempt this at Cubbies. (That's AWANA for those under age five.) But, ya know, I wouldn't put it past Audrey to actually pick up some of what I'm trying to explain, so I don't think it's time wasted. And then we went merrily on to eating from The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, with liberal doses of explaining. They found it all very interesting. Then we went back to painting and had some snacks. :) In the photo below Audrey is celebrating the day she got to face forward in her car seat. Her mom is a car seat safety tech and she keeps them backward facing as long as possible. Audrey felt pretty big!

I've been going through my YouTube favorites list, listening to old songs. I thought you all might like this one.

I'm sorely in need of a nap but, knowing me, I'll read or do something on the computer instead. Oh well. Enjoying my day off, and it was good to spend time with Micah and the girls! 

Hope you're all having a great day!
Shalom, everyone who passes this way.



  1. I recently had to sort things out for a 6 year old who indignantly told me his friend didn't believe that Jesus was born in the year zero.Actually, I love it that he comes to me with his little concerns.
    About car seats for kids.... remember the days of no car seats and kids bouncing around in the back of a stationwagon? We made a 1500 mile trip with a 4 month old sleeping in a cardboard box on the back seat. Those were different times.

    1. Ha ha! I remember those days of no carseats. Or riding in the back of a pickup! Somebody posted a picture of a 1960's "carseat" on Facebook the other day. Crazy how far we've come. But hopefully they've saved some lives.

  2. Yay for a day off and a day ON with the grandies!
    Aren't they fun? I had three here this afternoon. We went to Target. Woo hoo!
    I'm tired now and ready for my dinner.
    Take care, good Lisa.

  3. So kind of you to watch the children and read to them. Don't you just love how they think and see things. Precious. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

    1. Never a dull moment! They are very precious, and lots of fun! :)

  4. It's wonderful, hat the Bible and Christian religion are an interesting theme for children. Congratulation for Christian life in your family!

  5. What a special time you had. Thank God (and Jesus :-)) for keeping us around for our grandchildren, and for giving US the grandchildren. He has showered gifts all around.

    1. Amen! And may the Lord help us to answer all of those questions! :)


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