Friday, October 14, 2016

My daughter the super mom!

Ha ha! I just had to post this photo that my daughter, Micah, just posted on Facebook. She entitled it "Target Freak Show". She said she could hear people's conversations as they walked by. "Look! There's another one on the back!" "Look, there's another one on the front!" She prefers to shop alone, or at least with only the youngest along, when possible. It can get pretty stressful, as you can imagine. She said she's come home in tears a couple of times until husband Adam told her to stop going shopping without him! :) Today she didn't have a choice, but she said they survived!  Proud of my girl!

She said she seriously needs to start doing some squats...

That's the breaking news for now. God bless and shalom to all!


  1. The best Mama-photo I ever have seen! I'm proud to know your beautiful daughter by blogging Lisa!

    LOOK!! there is another baby on her back!!!!

    Without reading the text, I would not have discovered FOUR!

    My husband saw this photo, he is full of admirations!

    I remember shopping with three babies, it was exhausting. But here: FOUR! Congratulations!

  2. Your daughter has inherited your determination and stamina. I admire you and what you have done and I admire her for being able to take 4 to the store at one time. I only had two and they were sometimes two too many! Just read back a post and see where the little log cabin is to be burned. Sad I'm sure, but as you said, it was your cabin that you and your dh built so maybe it is for the best that it not be occupied by anyone else. I love your profile write-up. What a testimony! Enjoy the weekend.

  3. That's a great picture. My children were not that close in age but still when I would go somewhere with all 5 I'd get that " Are they all yours?"

  4. Good for her! She's a determined mama.

  5. She's a lovely mama, isn't she? She is a lot like HER mama. You have such a loving heart, Lisa.

  6. Gosh, that back-breaking news. Kudos to your daughter. Really. Two defeat me, most days. I do our grocery shopping on-line now because I don't actually know how we'd eat otherwise. Grateful for suburban life.

  7. she's a brave woman!! i always had trouble shopping with just one!!

  8. My hat is off to her even as I apply a Tiger Balm patch to my back in anticipation of *her* back pain. I cannot imagine carrying 2 babies on my GO, Woman!

  9. What a great photo - I'm glad you shared it! I think I'll save it to show my daughter-in-law who's got a group that's also challenging to take shopping. Your daughter is inspiring!

  10. Good for your girlie! She's amazing.


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