Saturday, May 11, 2024

Grandchild #20!

 I've been absent for some time, but had to announce the birth of Harrison Mac Yliniemi, Micah and Adam's seventh! He was born April 5 just before noon, weighing in at 8 lb. 11 oz.  Nickname: Big Mac.  :)

These pics were taken recently at 5 weeks old. In two of them Mac is enjoying a track meet with his mom. 

I'm just doing the usual stuff, such as visiting my neighbors in the building, taking walks, reading a lot and occasionally trekking out to Nevis to babysit. Sometimes a grandchild will come over to spend time at my place while Micah chauffeurs other kids to multiple activities. I just sit and marvel at how Micah and Adam juggle things and get it all done. 

I guess this was happening while I slept!

Spring has finally come to stay a while, I think. I hope you're all doing well. I'll try to get around for a visit soon! Enjoy your warm weather, everyone!

Shalom for now. :)


  1. Hi Lisa, It's great to see a post from you. Happy Mother's Day!🌺 🌸🌸 Congratulations on the newest little blessing. I'm sure Micah appreciates any help you can give her..
    Have a lovely summer.

  2. My congratulations for this sweeeeet baby! Your family is so blessed! I'm sure the Lord enjoys you all and is sending you all the support, you need!🌺 🌸🌺 🌸 I also say, that it is great to see a post from you! The light in the sky is adorable!
    Many greetings from Dori from the Bavarian Forest and best wishes from grandma to grandma!

  3. Meine Glückwünsche zu diesem süßen Baby! Deine Familie ist so gesegnet! Ich bin sicher, der Herr freut sich über euch alle und schickt euch alle Unterstützung, die ihr braucht! 🌺 🌸🌺 🌸 Ich sage auch, dass es großartig ist, einen Beitrag von dir zu sehen! Das Licht am Himmel ist bezaubernd!
    Viele Grüße von Dori aus dem Bayerischen Wald und die besten Wünsche von Oma an Oma!

  4. Gosh, I've been a tat worried about you! Wonderful to see your post about grandchild#20! I've missed your posts, good to hear from you again!

  5. BTW, any recent thrift store finds?

  6. Congratulations!! Wonderful news!

  7. Hi, Lisa! Good to find you here :) I've also not been posting much at all, and just started back ... a little. Good to hear that all is well, and many congratulations to the family, on the birth of the latest little one! He's lovely, and looks just like his siblings.

  8. Congratulations! That is the best kind of news, and I'm glad you let us know here in Blogland <3 It's always good to hear about your full-of-life family. God bless them, and you!!

    Gretchen Joanna

  9. Big Mac is so cute! Wow! Your daughter is amazing! xoPom Pom


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