Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Mystery question...

Okay, who mentioned a book called The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery?!? LOL. I've been skimming through everyone's blogs trying to find the answer to this question. Anyway, someone mentioned liking it, so I got a copy on my Kindle. I'm a third of the way through it and still don't like the main character. Does she get better? She seems to begin by having a lifelong pity party and then goes on to be insufferably judgmental. I'm hoping there will be further change in the right direction. Hope, hope. :)

I'm still finishing up the Dutch Sheets book on intercessory prayer, but I also received this one in the mail. I've been watching some videos on YouTube from Alisa Childers channel. It's mostly on Christian apologetics, and the author of this book was on. It should be good!

In Real Life it's a good time for making hay! The farmer who owns the neighboring field is getting it done. These were taken yesterday. He's back today finishing up. I love to watch. Brings back good memories of baling and loading hay with Bob.

 I thought these ferns and the painting I received from one of my art pals, looked good together.
 I'm still reading The Business of Heaven, which is a collection of excerpts by C.S. Lewis. I thought this one was good. Lots of them are good!

I've been doing lots of ATCs and APCs lately. I'm scheduled for 2 cataract surgeries in August, two weeks apart. I'm not sure how this might limit me as far as making art and reading, so I'm doing a lot while I can! Have any of you had cataract surgery? I'd love to hear about your experience!

These 7 cards are for a Free Themed swap, so they could be any theme we felt like making. I just tried to use up some of my scraps!
These two with the old cars were my favorites.

These are for an APC swap called Flowers and Something Else. So, they had to have flowers and something else...right. We'll go through the entire deck. Kings next month!

These are for a monthly series with postage stamps. This month's theme was Land Animals.

The last month's theme was Sea Life.

Sorry, just trying to catch up on pics of my cards, just for the record.

About a week and a half ago I went for a walk down the county road in front of my house. This little river and marshy area are on my route. They looked so pretty in the early morning, but I hadn't brought my camera. SO, when I got home I grabbed it and jumped in my car to go back and take pictures before the light changed too much. :) (It's less than half a mile away.)

These were on the west side of the road...

Out my side window from my parking place.

And these were on the east.

As usual, photos don't do it justice and I miss the twang of the bullfrogs. I think I might need to take a walk down that way right now before it gets too dark! (Update: I did.)

And when I returned I saw that the farmer had finished up the hay. The grand girls had visited with the farmer and he reported that he had made 117 bales on this field! It looks impressive, but doesn't show up well in this photo.
Long shadows are making a beautiful evening. The girls are making "kites" out of plastic grocery bags tied onto a long string, which is then attached to a stick. They kind of work. But they're having lots of fun.

I've been painting some rocks to hide on the hiking trail. I gave three of them to the girls to keep, and now I need to make one for Sully. He requested that it be red with a LION on it! We'll see what I can come up with. I'll have to take photos of some of the finished rocks.

That's all for now. I hope you're all well, out there. We're doing fine here. Keep enjoying the simple pleasures!

Love and shalom!


  1. I'm fairly sure I've never read the Blue Castle so thankfully it wasn't me that posted about it. I'd hate to admit I liked a book with the main character is so unlikable.
    The road where you walk by the creek looks like a very pleasant place to walk and watch birds, maybe even some wildlife. I must confess I haven't walked for a week. It's so hot by 8:30 that it saps my energy.
    You've created some great ATCs.
    I can imagine the girls running with their makeshift kites and having loads of fun. M is amusing himself with balloons that he fills with water ( outside) and throws on the lawn to see how many times it takes until they burst. Dollar Store balloons are remarkably tough.

  2. T'weren't me that read that book!

    I can just imagine how that new-mown hay smell is filling your air right now. So delicious!! Here it is so cold and foggy I hardly can smell anything. The sun came out briefly today, so I was glad... briefly. I know, I'm unthankful. I am at least thankful I have a jacket to put on.

  3. I see warm summer here! A special warm atmosphere in August. Here it is warm, too.

    I love this! I like your walk along the river.

    The farmer made happy hay! Bob sends to you a heavenly smell from his heaven-meadow.

    You always are very creative. This is wonderful!

    I only heard good news about this surgery for the eyes. I wish you the best, brave Lisa!

    Your fine family is so good organised!

    Best wishes and blessings to you!

  4. Hi, Lisa. So glad to see all your glad things. And so glad to see real reading of Lewis - my facebook seems to be fuller every day of purportedly Lewis quotes that just don't sound like him at all! Much love from here x

  5. I know people who have had cataract surgery and they say it is so good when it's over and they experience quick healing. You will, too!

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