Sunday, November 7, 2021

Getting something off my chest...

This is a tiny rant. But in a good way, I hope. It's just something that I've allowed to bother me over the years as an introverted/shy person. Maybe this only comes up in certain denominations, but I thought I'd put in my two cents worth. (This is pretty much unedited as I scribbled it down on a scrap of paper. Sorry if it could use more work, lol.)

In heaven we are not going to be limited by the deficiencies we had here on earth!

Several times over the years I've heard extraverted pastors say something like, "If you can't get excited about worshipping God here on earth, how are you going to worship Him for all eternity?!?", as they leap around and shout. In other words, if you're not super-extraverted and showy in your worship now you'll never be able to please God in heaven.

For years that's bothered me. I can't "fake" that kind of energetic praise even though I love God and am so thankful to Him for all His goodness to me. It occurred to me lately that this is all a lot of baloney! (Good spiritual word there.)

God will perfect me and totally finish the work He's begun in me here on earth. He will equip me to be able to praise Him just as the angels praise Him. (Maybe even better!) It will not depend on my earthly strength and I will not be taking my earthly dysfunctions with me to heaven! I will know all the lyrics to the praise songs even though I can't remember lyrics to songs now in my earthly body. (Ha ha. I love that thought!)

God has always freely given us what we need, such as salvation and even the faith to believe for that salvation. He will also give us all we need when we get to heaven. He's not going to just patch us up. He will totally renew us so we can participate fully in all of this glorious eternal activity. Trust Him. He is able! 

P.S.- I have no problem with others being energetic in their worship. I just don't think anyone should demand that we all act a certain way. This was not my pastor I'm talking about, by the way. *wink*

Rant over. *smile*

A picture Sully took of me.

A picture I took of Sully.

Thanks for tuning in!

Shalom, everyone.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! It seems obvious to me that God made some of us introverted and some extroverted ( He sure does love variety!!)

  2. These extraverted priests are somehow crazy! :)

    You are so right :

    God will perfect us and He loves His work to make us, how he wants, first not perfect, but through His grace very perfect. I love the idea, that in heaven we can sing all these wonderful songs of praize!

    You made a good preaching here and lovely Sully made a good photo of his wonderful Grandma!

  3. Sully has a good eye for photography! You look very nice indeed. Well, that's one thing I enjoy about a conservative Catholic parish: No "showing out," no jumping around, no hollering, and one of our priests lowered the boom on people holding up their hands and swaying around and calling out, which was happening during his absence at the Holy Land, which behavior I have never seen in a Catholic church before. I about blew my top when I saw it, and he DID blow his top when he got back! He felt it was an outward show and not authentic. I am extremely introverted and even the Passing of the Peace stresses me big-time. I am sorry your pastor is confused about outward and inward depth of feeling for the Lord! You just be you and know that your heart is read clearly by God!

  4. Now I do love a wee dose of charismatic now and again, but these last two years have completely allowed me to embrace quietness and contemplation as worship. Doesn't it say that in quietness is our strength? I think God knows the myriad personalities he created, and churches could sometimes be a bit more understanding, if not actually accommodating!

    1. I totally agree. I have no problem with those who are more energetic, and I've mostly gone to churches that are a little charismatic. I just have a problem when they think everyone needs to act a certain way. :)

  5. That picture that Sully took of you is really good! :)
    I agree with you, dear. My parents used to go to a church where a new, "energetic" way of worshiping took over. My mother much prefers a quiet, reverent worship style, with truly beautiful music -- not drums, loud guitars, etc. A musician who preferred that contemporary lively music said to her, "If you don't like this music, you won't be happy in heaven." My parents left and never went back. That's just a mean and arrogant statement, IMO.
    Introversion is not a broken, inferior, or fallen condition. It's simply how many of us are made, nothing wrong with it at all! Extroversion is not the default human condition -- the "right" way. Never apologize for being an introvert :)

    Personally, I think most Christians have a really warped view of what "heaven" will be like. In Scripture, it's usually called the new heavens and the new earth, and we will live on a new earth. So we will spend our time eternally doing much of the lovely things we do here: gardening, cooking, walking, visiting, resting, singing, creating all kinds of things. Living among the animals and trees and streams and doing exactly what we would have done in the Garden. The idea of a massive eternal praise service in a big white room has no support in Scripture, IMO.
    Blessings, dear Lisa! Do not let a false shepherd make you sad!

  6. It's easy to mistake emotion for spirituality. While I appreciate exercise for the release of endorphins, when it becomes a worship style and then becomes an religious standard, I don't appreciate it at all.

    "Be still and know that I am God." We introverts may actually have an advantage here - BUT we still have distracting thoughts, haha!

    Thanks for the healthy rant, Lisa. <3


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