Tuesday, May 9, 2023

We have green grass!


It's beginning to look like spring, though the trees are just budding.

A little while ago on a frosty day I captured this pair at the feeder.

I've been doing too much YouTubing and reading lately, so today I'm hoping to do some decluttering. Going through books, clothes, cleaning products and storage boxes. I'm looking ahead to September when I'll be moving and I don't want to have any more to move than I need to. Only God knows what will actually happen in the future, but I like to over think and plan way ahead. I know I have lots of stuff I don't need and will not use. Most of my books are on my Kindle, but I still have these to go through...

(Not that many, actually! The stuff in the box is going to the dump.)

It's supposed to be in the '70's today. That's crazy for us! :)
I'll probably have to go for a walk on the trail.

Feeling a little old lately, but I look forward to that new body the Lord promised us. The one that lasts forever! Meanwhile, trying to take care of this one. I pray you're all doing well and trusting in the Lord for everything. My fingers are a little contrary on the keyboard, so I'll keep this brief. Just wanted to touch base and check in. I'm off to read blogs!

Love all you family and friends out there!


  1. Going through our 'stuff' is an ongoing thing, isn't it!!
    I didn't know you were moving in Fall. I can see why you'd want to get rid of unnecessary/unwanted things before then.
    Amazing that you have not one but TWO Pileated Woodpeckers at your feeder. GM

  2. Hi Lisa! What are your current health concerns? Email me. I'll pray for you, You aren't old! Well, we are old but we DO look forward to Heaven, don't we? xoPom Pom

  3. So you're moving from the "boat house," but not back near the kids yet?

    All that green grass looks so good! I like the look of your book stacks, too, which resemble the ones in almost every room of my house -- except that I probably have at least five times as many :-( And I'm not even trying very hard to get rid of books, though every week, as I'm plowing through other categories of stuff to toss out, I find another book or two that I feel okay letting go of. Small victories!

    Gretchen Joanna

  4. Hope you get all that decluttering done...no fun to haul around.
    I decluttered a bunch last year....Salvation Army loves me now...lol

  5. Bless you!! Yes not too many books! ❤️

  6. Autumn will arrive faster than we mean, and so a new happy time will come for you near your beloved lovely family!

    You live in a cold nordic region. - I love the atmosphere of North!

    Best wishes for you! Your faithful prayers make always best contact to the Lord, who will give you as always the power of a really young and loving heart and mind.

  7. Der Herbst kommt schneller, als wir meinen, und so wird für dich eine neue, glückliche Zeit in der Nähe deiner geliebten, lieben Familie kommen!

    Ihr lebt in einer kalten nordischen Region. - Ich liebe die Atmosphäre im Norden!

    Beste Wünsche für dich! Durch deine treuen Gebete stellst du immer den besten Kontakt zum Herrn her, der dir wie immer die Kraft eines wirklich jungen und liebevollen Herzens und Geistes geben wird.

  8. Hi, Lisa! Moving is no fun :( And packing/decluttering can be a pain too. Hope it's all over soon, and you get settled. Much love from me.

  9. I also have to clear up! Too many things!


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