Saturday, March 23, 2013

Art room metamorphosis...

At the risk of seeming indecisive...I'm moving my art space back to the spare bedroom! This was my study space during my college career. I've exorcised all of the ghosts of nursing studies and am trying to create a space to inspire my inner artist once again. I may have to move my comfy chair back in. This wood chair isn't very relaxing!

My bookshelves always inspire me, especially when Pom's artwork is on display!


I've begun coloring my zentangle inspired art and I had some fun jazzing up my spiral "Art Notes" notebook. I'm jotting down notes about creating and selling greeting cards. There are also lots of other odds and ends of thoughts I've written down in there.
I spent a lot of time sorting through paraphernalia that had accumulated in my slant top desk and now it's much more organized. I have my sketchbooks, journals and paper supplies where I can find them and I've put away extra empty notebooks etc. in my desk drawers. Now I feel ready to begin...something!
Actually, I have a lot of ideas, but it's like they always teach you in writing class: You have to NARROW THE TOPIC and concentrate on one idea at a time! That's where I have difficulty. Discipline!
I like this Roger Ebert quote that Pom Pom so nicely illustrated below.
Once again, it's getting very late. I always seem to get in the mood to begin things just when I should be getting to bed! Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
Shalom to all! May the peace of God envelope your hearts!


  1. Yay! It looks good and I know just what you mean about narrowing . . . it's very hard!
    I have been lurking about my art table yesterday and today. Yesterday, I drew a door and then I switched seats and began sewing a bunting for school. I'm so distracted. Must focus.
    I like seeing my art at your house!
    Yay for your artist's heart! Yay for your artist's mind!


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)