Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Grandparents' day!

Today was my first experience of attending Grandparents' Day. Audrey was proud to show me what she does all day. Her young teacher was perky and in control. Everything worked like clockwork. She has those kids trained pretty well, and they seem to be pretty happy. She showed me how she uses her ipad and we took pictures of each other with it. The photo below was taken by Audrey's "other Grandma Lisa" who was sitting on the other side of her desk. She has another granddaughter across the hall, so she visited back and forth.

"Other Grandma Lisa" and Audrey sporting her vampire smile. She loves it!

That's Audrey's cousin, Cali on the left. (aka Lisa's other granddaughter) Cali is in the class across the hall. She's in the same grade as Audrey. (1st)  This was taken in the lunch room.
They had lots of boisterous fun during PE, and after lunch they were on their way out to recess. The day goes pretty fast, and they seem to get to move around a lot to get their wiggles out. It was fun!

Are you guys being overrun by ladybugs? We've been getting down in the 30's at night and then warming up into the low 60's during the day. Apparently the ladybugs think it's spring again. This old trailer I live in has many points of entry for them, so even though I run around vacuuming them up, they keep reappearing. I've got my ceiling lights on to attract them up there so they'll stay out of my way. I suppose it will get cold enough soon to kill them off for the winter.

I'm slowing down on the art. I've fulfilled my obligations for swaps so I'm just doing Inktober, which is one pen and ink drawing per day in October. I think I have a few of those to post. Let me go rummage around in my pictures. Let's see, oh, here we go...

I spent the last week thinking there was something wrong with me! My muscles felt weak and I couldn't figure out what was going on. I tried eating more, thinking it might be low blood sugar. That didn't help. Finally, day before yesterday, I realized that the weakness had begun last Thursday. The day I brought home all those books from the library book sale. It was just my allergies to musty books. I've always had that reaction when I spend a lot of time around musty papers, like old photos and books that have been stored where it's damp. I took all of the books out on my deck and let them air out, and then I wiped them down with Clorox disinfecting wipes. It seems to have helped a lot.

Well, I'm finally getting a little hungry seven hours after that filling school lunch! You all have a good evening and God bless everyone!


  1. Hurrah for grandparents day at school!
    I've been finding those Ladybugs too and ever since I learned that an invasive kind that was imported to deal with some problem, that new kind is aggressive and our native kinds are seriously endangered I've been squishing them. I must learn to tell the difference so I can kill the aggressive ones and not the native ones.

  2. I just read that some people have an allergic reaction to this new kind so it's best not to touch them but rather to vacuum them up. The article is not terribly helpful in telling how to know the difference though between the good and the bad ones.

  3. allergies can be so hard! I hope you keep feeling better! what a fun day! Very very lovely!

  4. What a most lovely photo with you and the toothless fair angel! You are an angel, too! Blessings for families all over the world!

  5. Isn't that interesting about your weariness resulting from allergies! How often we forget what triggers our physical "down days," yes? I felt awful last week too, very weak and tired. Menopause? Vitamins? Too much sugar or processed food? Not sure. Better now.
    Grandparents' Day looks like so much fun :)
    We had those ladybugs in Mississippi and other places, but we've not had them here. I'm glad. They smell horrible when they die when you vacuum them!


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