Saturday, November 23, 2019

Just daily life...

Nothing too exciting to report. We had a nice warm day today. Low forties. I've been doing a lot of reading and making of ATCs. Also lots of praying for family. I've tried to leave the TV off to have a more contemplative day. Grandson Nathan and his mom have both had hospital stays lately, but both are home now. So I've spent lots of time in prayer for the whole family.

I've been trying to drink more water and eat better in order to feel better. Two whole days now! I've just been tired, achy and draggy lately. I think I'm feeling better. I'll try to keep the new regimen going.  (Too many I's in this blog post!!)

Let's jazz this up with some photos of what I'm reading, some ATCs and owl "dolls" for swaps, and a cute photo of Thatcher and whatever else I find in my photos. In no particular order, because Blogger just does its own thing!

Have a weekend filled with hygge and shalom! Thanks for visiting! :)


  1. it's such a gift to us that we can pray for those we are concerned about!!! I am so glad you have your art - I can see that it helps! Good for you about trying to be more healthy. Inspiring reminders! a big HUG!

  2. Eating better in order to feel better. I need to concentrate on that too. Making meals for just 2 people is hard for me especially since a lot of foods I don't eat. Add to that my sweet tooth and there's a problem.
    Your Owls are so cute as are your ATCs.

  3. I meant to answer your question about the recipe I used for my fruit cake. What I ended up making was so changed from the original that it's not possible to reproduce. I just know that recipe called for chopped dates and I used some of the liquid required to simmer them for a while and I think that's why the cake ended up being more moist than ever.

  4. Its a blessing for a family to have one person, who is praying. One person, who prays, is a big grace for a family, a friend told me once, and is enough for all! I can imagine your pain of Nathan and his mom being ill.

    What is a world without prayers? A Russian Starez said, the world exists, because God's friends are praying.

    And we must not forget, to what a very great and wonderful and strong hero we send our prayers. The LORD is near you and your beloved! - - -

    Fine ACTs and sweet owls you produced!

    Have a good and spiritual time and stay healthy!

    LOVE and greetings from Dori from the Bavarian Forest

  5. I love that quote from Dori about the prayers of God's friends. <3 If I couldn't pray I know I would go crazy with worry about my children and grandchildren. But God loves them even more than I do - He IS love. Thank you for the reminders.

    Don't worry about the "I's" - They are kinda hard to do without if you are going to write naturally, and they are not even noticeable because you are so obviously not oriented toward yourself but always concerned and caring for others. God bless you and give you peace! XO

  6. Hi Lisa! I love your journal entry and I love those owls! God be with you and Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Shalom, and belated birthday love, to you! I absolutely adore calling here after a long break to find you sharing "just daily life". You make it all so precious. I wish I had such inspiration for my just daily life!

  8. The little owls are so very cute! I'm sorry about the health issues lately, but your family is so fortunate to have you there, praying faithfully for them all. That's amazing, and such a blessing.


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)