Friday, March 1, 2019


Howdy, all!

Well, I'm feeling a little under the weather and I think there may be some depression added into the mix. It's only been in the last couple of years that I've admitted to myself that I suffer from depression and have most of my life. I had a couple of really tough days at the beginning of the week, but things have gotten better. It sort of segued into a bit of "sickness" which is going around. The best "pill" for the depression seems to be time in the Word and talking to the Lord. He's real and He walks with us through all of this.

Yesterday Audrey and Hazel came over to my house after school and had fun "doing art". I just put out a pile of art supplies and they drew and painted. They've only been in my house a couple of times since they moved out, so they had fun exploring and snooping through things to see how the house is different from when they lived here. I think we'll do this often. They enjoy the special time with Grandma and being able to play with art supplies without Sully getting into things.

I have some inexpensive binoculars which I bought to watch the birds at the feeder. Hazel and Audrey spent a lot of time using those, and we used our bird guides to identify two large and impressive visitors. It was a pair of hairy woodpeckers. They are pretty large, though not as large as my favorites, the pileated woodpeckers. I haven't seen any of those lately.
I actually did a little hand sewing this morning. A long time ago I bought a large piece of fleece material from the thrift store thinking it was a lap blanket. It turned out that it was just an unfinished piece that was too narrow to cover my lap, but it was just the right size to cover a large pillow. (Which I got free at last summer's free rummage sale.) So, this morning I stitched up a cover by hand. I don't own a sewing machine, and probably wouldn't use one if I did have it, so this worked out fine. I won't show you my boo-boo on the back, but nobody's going to look at that anyway, right?
Here are my most recent APC's.

Looks like we're getting a couple of more inches of snow today.
Well, that's all for now. Everyone keep warm and be well!
Shalom! :)


  1. Dearest Lisa, sister in Christ,

    first I want to say, that I don't really think, that you are kind of "ill" because of depressions. I know some friends, who have depressions, and they are not able to do anything. So when I see all your wonderful deeds and activities, I think, that you have this special kind of pain, which is the engergy for nearly all artists! This pain make the artists to make their important work, and to have their special view to show people deeper signs. Some mean, it is so fine to be an artist, but it is a hard way, you know.

    The kind of playing with your little children is also a kind of "art" :)

    This is my opinion and experience...

    Beautiful birds you made, and the cushion with the trees and deer I really love!!

    Many greetings to the new snow!! I'm a snow-fan, maybe because I was born in the middle of winter when many snowflakes were falling.

    Many greetings from the Bavarian Forest - still lovely snow in the mountains, my sons love winter-sport!

    Your friend Dori, sister in Christ

  2. You are so right, those times of sadness are real and spending time in God's Word and prayer are real helps to get us through. Love you sewing and art!! A big hug!

  3. I also only recently admitted to myself that I can feel depressed. I'm used to focusing on the depression of other family members, and worrying about them. Ah well. It comes and goes, esp. in winter. I asked myself recently if I could remember the last time I was really, really happy - as in exuberantly joyful. I deduced that it was last June, at my daughter's wedding. Not that I'm morose or grumpy the rest of the time. I'm just kind of bleh, emotionally, or I'm anxious. I think I was also excited (maybe joyful) when my daughter told me she is expecting our first grandbaby. I'm sure I will feel that again a LOT when he is born :) Joy, for me, comes rarely. It was important for me to see that about myself.


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)