Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bookcover art folder thingy...

I bought an ancient copy of A Child's Garden of Verses at the library book sale. I loved the old cover, but the pages were coming out and it was in pretty bad shape, so I decided to save the cover and make something out of it. Here are the steps I followed to make an art folder out of it. If there are any suggestions for other uses I'd be interested. Since I'm trying to begin keeping all of my work in my sketchbook I'm not sure what I'll put in this thing, but at least the cover is sort of preserved. :D

This picture is sort of out of order, but I first removed all of the pages. I will keep them and hopefully use some of the poems and other paintings in other projects. Then I reinforced the spine by gluing some lightweight denim on it.
Trimmed the denim.
Then I glued flannel to the inside of the cover. If I had it to do again, I would have used something more colorful. I love this denim colored flannel, but it might have worked better in a quilt square.

Trim the flannel.
Applied Mod Podge to entire cover and let dry overnight.
Finished cover.

Insert your beautiful artwork. (Not so beautiful in this instance, hee, hee!)
Finished folder.

This was my first try doing something like this. It was fun!


  1. Lisa, I know I'm rubbish at commenting, but your blog is so impressive that I never have anything worthy to say- being completely inept on the artistic front. But I do enjoy your "travels" immensely and I wanted to let you know that I come back and back and back to this post! Clever you! Talented you!

    1. Rubbish? I think this is a wonderful comment!! Thanks for your encouraging words!


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