Instead, I puttered around the house organizing art materials and doing a couple of small art projects. My various sketchbooks, pads of watercolor/Bristol/sketching paper, brushes, paints, ad nauseum, were scattered between two bedrooms and the living/dining room areas. The living and dining areas are still strewn with things I'm actually using, but I finally got the things I'm not using situated in one area. This is a nice desk that my step-dad built years ago. Thanks, Glenn!
Besides pads of paper and some art utensils I also have all of my sketchbooks and my son's sketchbooks from their homeschooling years. It's nice to have everything in one place.
This is a vintage piece of luggage I inherited from my son when he moved. It's so cool! I've stored my acrylics, some brushes and a can of fixative in it. I rarely use acrylics, but I'm thinking it's about time I did!
My dear son, Josh, has a birthday on Saturday. He'll be 30!
He's seen here modeling the supper his little wife made. (She is taking photos of what she is thankful for, for 365 days!)
So, I made him a handmade card. I decided I wanted to paint by my big living room window, so I set up my little painting spot here. The computer is so I can look at a photo I took.
The remote controller is holding my Windsor & Newton paintbox in place. It likes to tip, which is very inconvenient.Here is the painting. The view may be familiar to those of you who look at my photos often. This is in the pasture to the north of my house. I thought Josh would recognize it and it's one of my favorite scenes.
Here's the finished card. I considered using some pen, but I kind of liked the misty look. I enjoyed composing a note inside telling him what a delight he is! This has been sealed and posted. I made the card this weird shape so it would fit in a regular business envelope.
I may have shown this ATC that I'm working on. I bought a little pile of old frames at a flea market a while back and this picture was in one of the frames! So, I decided to use her on an ATC. I guess I'd feel kind of odd if I knew some stranger used my daughter's photo in a collage 80 years from now. But it's such a wonderful picture, I didn't want it to just sit in a box. The finished ATC is shown below.
I also finally got around to putting my ATC's in a larger notebook. I've actually outgrown my first album!
Besides all of this artsy goodness I've been reading "Rembrandt" by Gladys Schmitt. I'm only on page 47 of 657 (Hey, I've got three books going at once!) but I'm really loving the author's insights into human nature. You can feel the character's feelings. I know it's just her interpretation of what Rembrandt might have been thinking, saying and feeling (it's a novel) but I'm hoping there are some good insights on what made him tick. Good book, so far.
I also watched a movie today (I've been busy sitting!) called "Jakob the Liar" starring Robin Williams. It was good, if you enjoy WWII movies based on stories of the Jewish ghettos of Poland. Well, enjoy wouldn't be the correct term. Anyway, the ending is very unexpected...bizarre. Almost makes you feel like everything turned out okay. But, of course, there was much tragedy. Anyway, a good movie in my estimation.
So, as the call of the loon is heard over my house, I think I should prepare for bed. Up at 5 a.m. tomorrow. I've been fighting taking a nap all day. It feels so nice at the time, but then I can't sleep later!
God bless all who stop by and may the shalom of the Lord rest in your hearts. :)