Friday, February 9, 2018

An interesting Irish tale...

I've watched several videos about this lady. This particular video seems to be the most recent, but it's very short and doesn't give a lot of details. I'll link another video under it if you want to see more about her history in this house. I thought she was fascinating!

More about Margaret here.

That's all I have for now. Just wanted to share! :)
Shalom and have a great weekend!


  1. I watched the little video of Margaret last night but it was late so this evening I'll watch the rest of them. You find the neatest things! I appreciate all the sites you post. They usually lead to yet more 'good stuff'.

  2. Thank you, Lisa! How fun to watch. I do want my water and electricity, but otherwise, I think I'd like her life quite well! And I DO love how she bakes on that fire. That looks fun to me.

  3. Impressing and special video! Strong and very nice woman in wonderful "wild" Ireland. The same spirit as Lisa!


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