Thursday, April 18, 2019

radical hospitality...

This is the perfect book for the journey I'm currently taking. I've begun this book a couple of times, but it's really speaking to me now. Something I need to read for my real life. :)
 Here are a couple of the first pages on my Kindle. You may have to click on them to make them big enough to read.
My little grandson, Nathan, has spent a couple of nights in the hospital in Fargo. He's experiencing a lot of sad feelings that he doesn't know how to cope with. I pray that the Lord will help me to learn how to die to myself, quit hanging onto "my life" and be willing to expend more time and energy to just spend time with this little boy. To listen to what he has to say and to let him know he's important. It's such a hard thing to do. It's so tempting to keep wanting life to get back to "normal". In other words, to be able to just do what I want all the time. That's not the example Jesus set for us, and I don't want to settle for that. Anyway, I'm hoping to find some encouragement through this book to help me follow this new road. I think it's going to be good! (Nathan's coming home tomorrow.)

We had a gorgeous moon this evening!
It's been a nice day. I may try doing some yardwork tomorrow if it doesn't decide to rain. Most of the snow is gone and my yard is kind of a mess.

It's getting late, so I'll say goodnight for now. Love you folks! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Jesus also took time to rest and had boundaries (trusted himself to no one) and if you overextend yourself and get sick you can't help. Do take care. ♡♡♡♡♡

  2. Rest in God's tender mercies. Take each day as it comes.

    Love, hugs and prayers for all of your at this time,


  3. That does look like a good book, from those excerpts. I pray God shows you a rhythm of rest and service that works for you, so you can be radically hospitable for the long haul!

  4. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you find encouragement through reading that book.


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)