Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jane LaFazio Interviews Danny Gregory...interesting!

I found this really interesting and I plan to watch more of his videos on YouTube! :D

I found this video on Danny's YouTube channel. It's a two part video about Danny Gregory and Richard Bell whose Wild West Yorkshire Nature Diary blog is on my blog list! It sure was fun to watch these two talk about their sketching. And, Pom, they exchange drawings in the mail just like us!! Who knew other people did that? Hee, hee! ;)

Just wanted to share this new gold mine of sketching videos I plan to savor in the future!



  1. Very COOL! I have the book!
    I plan on sending you some art in the mail very soon. I've been neglecting my art and you have been inspiring me!

    1. Yahoo! Someday I'll splurge and get the book. It's so inspirational to see what others do in their sketchbooks! :)

  2. thanks for sharing the video Lisa! the more people the see it, the better! isn't Danny just the best?


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