Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Baby time!

I would appreciate prayers for a safe delivery and healthy mom and baby! Micah is going to be induced tonight. Her due date is April 4th, but the doctor thought it wise to get things going. It has something to do with the fact that Micah's been experiencing lots of very low blood sugar episodes. Right now she's watching Audrey participate in gymnastics, then later this evening she and Adam will head to the hospital and I'll be babysitting Audrey and Hazel for a couple of days. No internet there, so I'll be back in a couple of days. (I've packed and repacked so many times. I think I need to consolidate and repack once more!)

Thank you, Lord, for surrounding Micah and Adele with your protection and bringing them safely through this birthing. In Jesus' name. Amen!

Shalom to all. :)


  1. Have a good time with Andrey and Hazel! You are good and experienced in packing and repacking and you are a professional helper and a permanent inner praying heart of this big lovely family.

    I'll miss you!!

  2. Absolutely will pray. And for you as you care for the little ones. I'm sure as a mom you'll be wishing to be with your daughter, but you'll be holding her sweet baby soon. Praying for a speedy and safe birth. :)

  3. Praying for a safe delivery and for strength for grandma.

  4. looking forward to seeing pics of the new baby!!

  5. Lisa, I'm WAY behind, but I decided I'd better come over here and find out what happened with that baby!! :) Glad to read that things have progressed ... now on to the next post!


Thanks for dropping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts! :)