Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Sketches...

I'm beginning a painting for Rookie Painter Challenge. I've just got the lighter shades and will add the darker shades when these dry.

This is a piece of zentangle inspired art. I'm not finished with it either. I'm not sure I like my choices of tangles for the clouds and sun, but it's too late now! :)  Gotta soldier on and finish it. I really enjoyed doing the vegetation, but wish I had made the cross grey instead of brown. Well, I can always do another scene using what I've learned from this one! (I think I'm going to finish it for this week's Diva Challenge.)

To look at more Sunday Sketches art, click here .

Still not sure I like this new blogger! I can't get it to let me write above the photos! Hints? (I did finally figure out that you simply type and then insert pics where you want them as you go along. So much easier than the old version where your pictures appear at the top and out of order no matter how hard you try! I was getting tired of cutting and pasting to get photos where I wanted them. This is nice!)

Enjoy your Sunday art!


  1. I like both, Lisa! The brown is more like a tree. Good!

  2. I love the vegetation too! Why don't you go into your cross with a silver or gray or light blue pencil to lighten it up? I love combining the pen with colored pencils in zentangles..and love the idea of working with the orginal idea and drawing and bringing it all the way to its fruition! Go for it!

    1. I will go for it, and thanks for the suggestions! :D

  3. Love both...maybe give your cross a wash of watercolour blue to lighten it up... :)

    1. Thanks for the idea! Still weighing my options. :)

  4. Oh, I'm really liking the cross!

  5. Beautiful! The cross especially...I like the details. Funny, when I start a project I have that "soldier through" feeling too. Gotta make it work! I start and then just finish by fixing all the mistakes. All my work is just one big "fixed" mistake!

    1. If I could make wonderful trees like yours I would settle for fixed mistakes, lol! I really enjoy your creative paintings! Thanks for stopping by! :)


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