Saturday, March 10, 2012

So far...

Lots of erasing and redrawing has taken place this morning. So far I've only used colored pencil. I may resort to watercolors for some of the larger areas and then add some colored pencil detail. It's all experimentation. I'm a little unsure of what she has in her lap. At first I thought it was part of her dress. Now I think it's a fur coat because of the white highlights. So that's how I'm going to interpret it. At least this one looks a little more sad, which I guess is what Modigliani usually wanted in his paintings. (Hey, none of that happy stuff! Stop that smilin'!)

The saga continues. ;)


  1. She has a great big lump of chocolate in her lap that she is trying to hide because she told everyone she was off the dtuff for Lent, so I don't think she should be sad at all because as soon as you close that sketchbook she is going to be smiling all over the page- look for small tell-tale chocolate brown smudges when next you work thereupon!! Yes- we really do call it Hookery in the Bookery and it really does bring us much joy!! Bon weekend- you are Modigliani with a smile!

    1. Hee hee! I love your explanation! You make her seem so HUMAN! :D


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